vrijdag 3 februari 2017


It features lower leakage current, high mechanical strength, optimized for. Ze worden zeldzaam, germaniumdioden.

Echter nog steeds een gewild onderdeel Kijk ook even op mijn site voor meer leuk HebSpul.

N34A: Electronic Semiconductor Products: Amazon. N34A germanium diode 20V, 50mA, glass-body Vf = 6-8V. Optimized for Radio Frequency Response.

Can be used in many AM, FM and TV-IF applications, replacing point contact devices.

Used in all type electronics. Most often employed in crystal set and Field-Strength. They worked in my crystal AM radio. Part number is 1N34A, successor to 1N34.

Order Central Semiconductor Corp 1N34A BK (1N34A BK-ND) at DigiKey. Check stock and pricing, view product specifications, and order online. Powder Options - Bare Enclosure. Buy the SOLID STATE 1N34A online at Newark elementCanada.

Check Stock, Availability, and view Datasheets at Newark elementCanada - an.

Wholesale 1n34a diode from China 1n34a diode Wholesalers Directory. N34A datasheet, 1N34A circuit, 1N34A data sheet : CENTRAL - GERMANIUM DIODE, alldatasheet, datasheet, Datasheet search site for Electronic. Description : 10pcs GERMANIUM DIODE 1N34A DO-7. A semiconductor device which passes current in the forward direction(from anode to cathode), and blocks current in the opposite direction.

POINT CONTACT GERMANIUM DIODE. The germanium point contact (Ge) diodes are widely used for detecting the rectifying efficiency or. Germanium diodes have low forward voltage drop.

Buy 1N34A with extended same day shipping times. View datasheets, stock and pricing, or find other Rectifiers. I couldnt find the prescribed 1n34a diodes, or any of their. MTM Scientific Inc offers the classic 1N34A Diodes and Diode Detector Report.

The image for 1N34A is currently unavailable. Please refer to the Device Datasheet for an image of the part case and material composition information. While the 1N34A provides power.

Widely used for detecting the rectifying efficiency or. Picture is indicative slight.

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